A career in Recruitment – Are you sure?

A career in Recruitment – Are you sure?

I am sure there are an abundance of articles convincing you why you should start a career in recruitment and the array of benefits and perks that the job comes with – but put simply, recruitment is NOT for everyone.

My recruitment peers would hear this phrase too often, that our occupation can be ‘champagnes and razor blades’ – but we all hope that there are more champagnes than there are razor blades. Wishful thinking? 

In saying this though, if the below resonates with you, then it may be an opportune time to reach out to industry leaders to explore further on how recruitment can be a purpose-fulfilling role for you; 

In the wise words of Mike Ross from Suits "Getting a 'Yes' is always so much better when it starts as a 'No.'"

Be prepared – you will receive A LOT of ‘no’s’ in this career line. If you are resilient, competitive and get a real buzz from your achievements, there will be tremendous sense of satisfaction. Most long-term recruiters still list this as a critical motivator for all their hard work and these somewhat ‘addictive outcomes’. And it’s true – to see the tides turn after initially being rejected, it’s really rewarding. Source: trust me bro.

You are intrigued by how People drive organisational success.

One of my mentors taught me, ‘You aren’t learning, when you’re doing all the talking…’

In this line of work, the opportunities are abundant where you get to partner and network with high performing people and have unparalleled access to information to see how it is the people that drive organizational success. A curious, passionate and adaptable recruiter will never stop learning, and understand what makes high-performing talent rise to the top. 

Your desire for strong financial independence

A career in recruitment can be very lucrative. Put simply, high performing recruiters are remunerated generously (depending on the organisations’ bonus scheme, but this is a conversation for another time!). The science of recruitment hypothesizes that there is a strong correlation between the amount of effort put in, often determines the reward. High effort = High reward.  It is not unusual to see recruiters in their late 20s or early 30s to have deep pockets and multiple investment streams. A career in recruitment can allow you to have control over your earning potential. 

You are a natural Hunter and/or Farmer

The good ol’ Hunter & Farmer analogy – iykyk.

Whilst there is a strong sales element to a career in recruitment, the further you develop your network and cultivate your relationships within your specialist industry, you’ll often find yourself being the hub where clients go to, to seek for your expertise. While placing people is a large part of the job, what the clients are coming to you for is your ability to consult, your industry knowledge and your network. 

Remote Career Opportunities

With covid changing the landscape on the world of work, recruitment is one of those careers where the world is your oyster. Want to recruit from home? Sure. Want to recruit nationally? You got it! Want to work from a different country? You betcha! The skills you attain in recruitment can be transferable to wherever you work in the world. Perhaps a vacancy on replacing Nick Fury’s role of leading the new Avengers may come up…. too soon? 


In all seriousness, recruitment can be a tough gig. But, with the right mentors, team and values alignment – it can be a rewarding career. So, if some or all of these values resonate with you and you are curious to find out more – reach out to one of our Consultants at WeLink Recruitment to explore more about why we chose and still thrive in the recruitment industry today! 


Charlie Bui
Associate Director 
0477 935 465

Brendon Ma
Recruitment Consultant 
0477 353 002

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